Friday, January 31, 2014

LBCC A Capella group "The Sirens" competed at ICCA's

Photo Credit: The Sirens (Facebook)
The Linn-Benton Community College all female A Capella group “The Sirens” competed this weekend at at the International Championship of Collegiate’ West Region A Cappella Tournament at the Hult Center of Performing Arts in Eugene where they placed fourth overall.
The Sirens competed among other A Capella Ensembles from universities, private colleges, and community colleges from around the area. 

The group of 12 women sang their own A Capella versions of popular songs “Clarity” by Zedd , “She Wolf” by David Guetta , and “Telephone” by Lady Gaga; for the chance to move on to the Semifinals.
Photo Credit: The Sirens (Facebook)

Before they competed, artistic director and vocal coach for the sirens, James Reddan said,“They are competing with the four year universities. [They are] one of three community college groups nationwide that are accepted into this. Its not something to be taken lightly. But at the same time they’re having fun with it, which that is the important part.” “This year is going really good, this group [both groups] are really working hard and I’m seeing lots of good things from them. They really want to do their best, as always,” said Reddan This powerhouse group, which calls themselves a “Sisterhood”, is very diverse in music, style, and even age.“I am 20 years older than everybody, and nobody seems to care," “Its cool I can keep up with all these girls,” said two year member Kim Williaman.

Two year member Claire Logue said about her experience in Sirens, “[The Sirens] has introduced me to the leader that I have inside myself. You get up and sing your heart out, and everybody else is behind you, supporting you.” Sirens placed fourth in the ICCA’s. Only the top two groups move on to the Semifinals, they are University of Oregon’s “Mind The Gap” and Western Oregon University’s “15 Miles West”. Third, and receiving honorable mention, went to Willamette University’s “Headband”. Sirens is holding auditions this spring and is looking for beat-boxers, dancers, and overall quality singers.

At A Glance:
The Sirens
All women A Capella group

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Program offers Free Year of College at LBCC

Imagine having your first year of college paid for. That is what 131 students at Linn-Benton Community College are doing through the new Greater Albany Public School Advanced Diploma program.

Students who graduated from West Albany, South Albany, or Albany Options high school had the opportunity, before graduating last year, to join a brand new program which offers a full year of college, paid for, at LBCC. 

The GAPS school district pays for books, fees, and 12 credits of tuition. The catch is, they technically don’t graduate; they stay in the GAPS district as a high school student and attend LBCC as their “5th year”, which is why the program is also referred to as “The Fifth Year Program”.

“The idea for creating this program was to transition students into college. Several other high schools in Oregon are doing this program as well," said Advanced Diploma Coordinator and Adviser, Danielle Blackwell.

Schools in the area such as Corvallis, Lebanon, Central Linn, and Philomath, all have their own Advanced Diploma Programs. GAPS program is modeled after Dallas High School and their partnership with Chemeketa Community College. 

The program is funded by the state, as the students are considered high school students taking all their classes at the college.

Most of the students are taking their pre-requisites; basic Math, Writing, and Reading courses.

Students enrolled in the program are,“Loving the opportunity because their whole first year is paid for,” Blackwell said. She goes on to say, “We are receiving more interest for this next group of students. People are saying ‘Wow this is a great opportunity’.” 

 "[The Program] makes it so you don't have to worry, financially," said current fifth-year program student, Meghan Hobson.

"Even though there are some annoying strings attached, like they only pay for 12 credits, the fact that it is a free year of college has made it worth it," said current fifth-year program student, Rebecca Weidinger.

"It is encouraging knowing that although we [sometimes are] faced with frustration, it has furthered the ability to improve the program and continue to help graduating high schoolers get a year of college done, without the burden of tuition." said Weidinger.

Blackwell said, overall the program is, “A wonderful opportunity for students. [We] help pay for their first year of community college and get them going in the right direction." 

This is an advantageous opportunity for future students of LBCC.

At a Glance
Who: Freshman students, just graduated from a GAPS School
What: Free Year of College at LBCC
When: After students graduate high school
Where: Linn-Benton Community College

For more Information, Contact Danielle Blackwell
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