Friday, May 29, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 9

I'm glad I took this course because I was able to test out the water before I dived into it. I found Photojournalism isn't the photo career for me. I prefer people asking me, "Hey, can you take my photo?!" Instead of me asking, "Hey, can I take your photo?" I'm not comfortable doing Photojournalism so I don't see myself continuing in this particular field of Photography. However, this course did help me remember why I love taking photos, to capture a specific moment in time. I love emotion photos. So, I would like to continue taking photos semi-professionally after this course.

I'm a huge Ansel Adams fan, I love his work. So I really enjoyed Heather's presentation of him and his work. I really like his style of landscape photography and his use of natural light. His images are just so breath taking. To me, he stands above the others as he did more more then just taking photos. He was a National Park activist and frequently photographed places like Yosemite National Park. I could use some of Ansel's techniques in my own photos by appreciating the nature in which we live more. Also being patience for that "perfect" shot is something I can learn from him.

This is a favorite Ansel Adams photo of mine.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 8


I definitely think the shift to digital is the single most-important technological change to happen to photography. Photographers no longer had to develop images in a darkroom, they had the ability to develop them using a computer and editing software.

I am a big Ansel Adams fan. I think he stands above the others as he did more more then just taking photos. He was a National Park activist and frequently photographed places like Yosemite National Park.

A dramatically-lit black-and-white photograph depicts a large river, which snakes from the bottom right to the center left of the picture. Dark evergreen trees cover the steep left bank of the river, and lighter deciduous trees cover the right. In the top half of the frame, there is a tall mountain range, dark but clearly covered in snow. The sky is overcast in parts, but only partly cloudy in others, and the sun shines through to illuminate the scene and reflect off the river in these places.
Photo Credit: Ansel Adams
My Favorite Ansel Adams Photo


I'm not 100% locked in on my choice, but I am thinking of doing a "Day in the Life" of someone. Not sure exactly the subject yet, but it might be a kid. If I do end up going with a kid as a subject some of the ideas I have are...

Overview: Kid riding a bike down a road
Medium: Kid coloring a picture
Close-Up: Intensely watching a movie on a tablet/ Close-up of their face

Photojournalism Assignment #8: Golfing

Overall: Samuel Robinson lines up his shot at the tee at Golf City in Corvallis, Oregon on Sunday, May 17th.

Medium: Rebecca Robinson hits her shot, as her husband Samuel Robinson watches intensely. The Robinson's were golfing at Golf City in Corvallis, Oregon on Sunday, May 17th.

Close up: Rebecca Robinson putts her ball into the hole at Golf City in Corvallis, Oregon on Sunday, May 17th.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 7


I plan to shoot golf this weekend at a Golf Course in Corvallis.

For my Overall shot, I was thinking of taking a low angle image behind someone (to get a silhouette look) as they "swing" (posed). You'll see the ball and the club and the a flag for the hole in the background.

For a medium shot, I plan to shoot a shot of someone as they hit the ball off the tee. I plan to also make this my action shot.

For the close-up, I was thinking of just a low/on the ground angle of a ball being putted in.

My primary contact would be whomever my subject is, which is still TBD.


Photojournalism Assignment #7: Meet Brittney Kruger

Environmental Portrait: Meet Brittney Kruger, the Courtyard Cafe's new Coffee barista. Kruger poses with a Coffee cup while on duty Wednesday, May 13th.

Mug Shot: Brittney Kruger,  27, is the newest addition to the staff at the Linn-Benton Community College's Courtyard Cafe. Image taken on Wednesday, May 13th.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Marketing Forum Week 7: The Commuter Expands Social Media Presence

[Press Release] - Linn-Benton Community College’s student run newspaper, The Commuter, is getting more social; social media that is. The Commuter is boosting their social media presence. The paper is now on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even YouTube. The recent shift for a bigger social media presence is to help students get the news that matters to them, faster.

To help with this shift, The Commuter has hired a new Social Media Editor, Paige Harkless. Paige is in charge of managing all The Commuters social networks. Their new Instagram account is already up and posting pictures of interesting stories from this weeks Commuter. A new social media goal for The Commuter, is to publish news stories before they’re even published in the paper.

The Commuter has also hired a YouTube “Vlogger”. “Tommy’s Take” is a new YouTube segment in which LBCC student Tommy Brown offers his opinion and take on articles published in the paper.

The addition of Paige and Tommy will offer students an additional online experience that will help enhance The Commuter.

You can follow The Commuter on Facebook (, Twitter (, Instagram (, and YouTube (

For more information visit The Commuter Online at or Contact Allison Allison Lamplugh at 541-917-4449.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 6


Photo Credit: Scobel Wiggins
I really like this image that Scobel took. It stands out to me because you can see the emotion in the players face. It's also really effective positioning with the ball nearing the edge of the frame and a light above it. It really makes for a dynamic photo. I noticed that she probably really had to plan in advanced for this particular photo.

Three questions:
1. Tell us how you were able to get the above image? What did you have to do?
2. Any tips for taking Sports Photography?
3. What is your favorite photo you've taken?


My biggest challenge for this assignment was finding something "news worthy", I ended up taking a photo of a fellow student at the Peoria Road Farmers Market in Corvallis. Although the photo turned out great, I was disappointed in the "news worthy-ness" of it. I think the photo of the courthouse turned out the best. I liked the angle and the flowers gave it a nice look. I knew going in, that was going to be the type of image I wanted of the Courthouse, and it payed off. If I had to do this assignment over again, I would probably shoot in Albany. I am more familiar with Albany than Corvallis and feel I would have probably taken better photos of Albany.

Photojournalism Assignment #6: Around Corvallis

Landmark: The Benton County Courthouse in downtown Corvallis, Oregon on Sunday, May 3rd. The landmark of Corvallis was built in 1888. 

News/Feature: Rebecca Robinson, an LBCC student, smells the flowers at Peoria Road Farm Market on the outskirts of Corvallis, Oregon on Sunday, May 3rd. Peoria Road Farm recently opened for the season.

Environmental Portrait: (L to R) Samuel Robinson and Rebecca Robinson, who have been married for nearly a year. Sit in Pioneer Park in Corvallis, Oregon and enjoy a chocolate shake on Sunday, May 3rd.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 5


I really liked the photo story Rob showed us in class of the Soldier. It got my attention because of how much access the photographer was able to get. That also made it very interesting because we, as viewers, were able to see both sides to him. We got to see him at home, and him at war. It really gave us a view into his life. I'm not sure of the challenges the photographer faces but I am sure Access and time were two of their big challenges. The story definitely had a narrative and had the same feel throughout the story. For techniques I could learn from this and use is really dive into the subject. This photographer had to really become close with the solider in order to get the images he did.


I am unsure yet what my photo story will be. I could do a "Day in the life" of a student or staff on campus. Follow them around as they prepare for class, go to class, and come home and do homework.