Friday, April 10, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 2


The two suggestions from the book that sound the most doable to me are; Give out your business card and Shoot from a unique vantage. Give out your business card is definitely something that is doable and so simply. People will then have your business card and will think of you if they need photography. The suggestion to shoot from a unique vantage is a great suggestion I try to do all the time. Shooting from unusual vantages and areas, give viewers something interesting to look at.

I plan to use the suggestion of shoot from a unique vantage in the coming weeks. Try to pre-plan odd areas I can go to take my photos. Shoot from high angles or get low and shoot looking up. Any angle or vantage point that will give a unique perspective to my images.


Photo Credit: Ryan Gardner

This photo by Ryan stand out to me most because of his great use of light and depth of field. The sun light is able to cast this ray of light behind the player as he catches the ball and the fans are blurred because of the focus. Those elements combined makes this one of my favorite photos of his.

Three questions:
1. Tell us how you were able to get the above image? What did you have to do?
2. Any tips for taking Sports/Concert Photography?
3. What is your favorite photo you've taken?

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