Friday, April 10, 2015

Marketing Forum: Week 2


I think the Ethical Values section of the Statement of Ethics is the most helpful section for upcoming marketers. I think it lays out each ethical thing we as marketers must do, and it says how to do them. It's a really great reference tool for when you need to understand how to represent a brand. One of the Ethical Values that stands out to me is, Honesty. You always want to be honest with your brand and its customers. It also mentions to, "Stand behind out products if they fail to deliver their claimed benefits." That's something that I think some companies don't do well, when their product fails to deliver they cower. Don't. Stand behind your product and own up to it. Move forward.


Joel Burger and Ashley King's punny engagement photo went viral.
Mr. Burger and Miss. King (Photo Credit: CNN)

I heard someone mention this in class and I had to go look up more information about it.

Mr. Burger and Ms. King are set to wed this July and Burger King is offering to pay for the whole thing. Apparently it all started when they were taking engagement photos and posed next to a Burger King sign. The local paper then interviewed them and eventually Burger King caught wind of the news and offered to make it a whopper of a wedding. Burger King's message for the happy couple: "Congratulations, Joel and Ashley on falling in love your way."

The main point and how this applies to Marketing is that it creates great publicity for the fast food chain and they get their name out there. The takeaway lesson from this is that sometimes even wild and crazy ideas can provide great results. Everyone was talking about this ironic wedding and it created a buzz online for Burger King.

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