Friday, June 5, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 10

I think the below photo is the best photo I took this term. I think this photo stands out because of the emotion on the girls faces.

I had good photography skills before this class. I think this class helped me realize the type of photographer I am. It helped me get out of my shell and take better photos. Before this class, I would never have taken photos of random people around campus. I still don't like doing that, but now I am more comfortable doing so then before.

My three goals at the beginning of the term for photojournalism were; take interesting photos, make the cover of the Commuter, and learn better photography skills. Although I never made the cover of The Commuter, I think I accomplished the other two goals. Not always did I take interesting photos but I did learn a lot. I learned the photojournalism probably isn't the career for me, as I hate asking to take peoples photos. I learned more about the type of photographer I am, and I learned that not every photo is going to be awesome.

Photojournalism Assignment #9: Day in the life of Tanner Hurt

Meet Tanner Hurt, 8-years-old. Tanner loves to draw, play with dinosaurs, and watch his favorite tv show, Pokemon, on Netflix. 

6/2/15 - 8:52AM: Tanner walking towards the road where he will wait for the bus. Tanner goes to school at Takena Elementary in Albany, Oregon.

6/2/15 - 4:10PM: After a long day at school, Tanner goes straight to his room to play with his dinosaurs. His favorite dinosaur is a allosaurus.

6/2/15 - 5:35PM: After Tanner plays with his dinosaurs, he draws a picture for me.

6/2/15 - 7:00PM: Tanner gets ready for bed, but not before watching some Pokemon on Netflix first.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 9

I'm glad I took this course because I was able to test out the water before I dived into it. I found Photojournalism isn't the photo career for me. I prefer people asking me, "Hey, can you take my photo?!" Instead of me asking, "Hey, can I take your photo?" I'm not comfortable doing Photojournalism so I don't see myself continuing in this particular field of Photography. However, this course did help me remember why I love taking photos, to capture a specific moment in time. I love emotion photos. So, I would like to continue taking photos semi-professionally after this course.

I'm a huge Ansel Adams fan, I love his work. So I really enjoyed Heather's presentation of him and his work. I really like his style of landscape photography and his use of natural light. His images are just so breath taking. To me, he stands above the others as he did more more then just taking photos. He was a National Park activist and frequently photographed places like Yosemite National Park. I could use some of Ansel's techniques in my own photos by appreciating the nature in which we live more. Also being patience for that "perfect" shot is something I can learn from him.

This is a favorite Ansel Adams photo of mine.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 8


I definitely think the shift to digital is the single most-important technological change to happen to photography. Photographers no longer had to develop images in a darkroom, they had the ability to develop them using a computer and editing software.

I am a big Ansel Adams fan. I think he stands above the others as he did more more then just taking photos. He was a National Park activist and frequently photographed places like Yosemite National Park.

A dramatically-lit black-and-white photograph depicts a large river, which snakes from the bottom right to the center left of the picture. Dark evergreen trees cover the steep left bank of the river, and lighter deciduous trees cover the right. In the top half of the frame, there is a tall mountain range, dark but clearly covered in snow. The sky is overcast in parts, but only partly cloudy in others, and the sun shines through to illuminate the scene and reflect off the river in these places.
Photo Credit: Ansel Adams
My Favorite Ansel Adams Photo


I'm not 100% locked in on my choice, but I am thinking of doing a "Day in the Life" of someone. Not sure exactly the subject yet, but it might be a kid. If I do end up going with a kid as a subject some of the ideas I have are...

Overview: Kid riding a bike down a road
Medium: Kid coloring a picture
Close-Up: Intensely watching a movie on a tablet/ Close-up of their face

Photojournalism Assignment #8: Golfing

Overall: Samuel Robinson lines up his shot at the tee at Golf City in Corvallis, Oregon on Sunday, May 17th.

Medium: Rebecca Robinson hits her shot, as her husband Samuel Robinson watches intensely. The Robinson's were golfing at Golf City in Corvallis, Oregon on Sunday, May 17th.

Close up: Rebecca Robinson putts her ball into the hole at Golf City in Corvallis, Oregon on Sunday, May 17th.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 7


I plan to shoot golf this weekend at a Golf Course in Corvallis.

For my Overall shot, I was thinking of taking a low angle image behind someone (to get a silhouette look) as they "swing" (posed). You'll see the ball and the club and the a flag for the hole in the background.

For a medium shot, I plan to shoot a shot of someone as they hit the ball off the tee. I plan to also make this my action shot.

For the close-up, I was thinking of just a low/on the ground angle of a ball being putted in.

My primary contact would be whomever my subject is, which is still TBD.


Photojournalism Assignment #7: Meet Brittney Kruger

Environmental Portrait: Meet Brittney Kruger, the Courtyard Cafe's new Coffee barista. Kruger poses with a Coffee cup while on duty Wednesday, May 13th.

Mug Shot: Brittney Kruger,  27, is the newest addition to the staff at the Linn-Benton Community College's Courtyard Cafe. Image taken on Wednesday, May 13th.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Marketing Forum Week 7: The Commuter Expands Social Media Presence

[Press Release] - Linn-Benton Community College’s student run newspaper, The Commuter, is getting more social; social media that is. The Commuter is boosting their social media presence. The paper is now on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even YouTube. The recent shift for a bigger social media presence is to help students get the news that matters to them, faster.

To help with this shift, The Commuter has hired a new Social Media Editor, Paige Harkless. Paige is in charge of managing all The Commuters social networks. Their new Instagram account is already up and posting pictures of interesting stories from this weeks Commuter. A new social media goal for The Commuter, is to publish news stories before they’re even published in the paper.

The Commuter has also hired a YouTube “Vlogger”. “Tommy’s Take” is a new YouTube segment in which LBCC student Tommy Brown offers his opinion and take on articles published in the paper.

The addition of Paige and Tommy will offer students an additional online experience that will help enhance The Commuter.

You can follow The Commuter on Facebook (, Twitter (, Instagram (, and YouTube (

For more information visit The Commuter Online at or Contact Allison Allison Lamplugh at 541-917-4449.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 6


Photo Credit: Scobel Wiggins
I really like this image that Scobel took. It stands out to me because you can see the emotion in the players face. It's also really effective positioning with the ball nearing the edge of the frame and a light above it. It really makes for a dynamic photo. I noticed that she probably really had to plan in advanced for this particular photo.

Three questions:
1. Tell us how you were able to get the above image? What did you have to do?
2. Any tips for taking Sports Photography?
3. What is your favorite photo you've taken?


My biggest challenge for this assignment was finding something "news worthy", I ended up taking a photo of a fellow student at the Peoria Road Farmers Market in Corvallis. Although the photo turned out great, I was disappointed in the "news worthy-ness" of it. I think the photo of the courthouse turned out the best. I liked the angle and the flowers gave it a nice look. I knew going in, that was going to be the type of image I wanted of the Courthouse, and it payed off. If I had to do this assignment over again, I would probably shoot in Albany. I am more familiar with Albany than Corvallis and feel I would have probably taken better photos of Albany.

Photojournalism Assignment #6: Around Corvallis

Landmark: The Benton County Courthouse in downtown Corvallis, Oregon on Sunday, May 3rd. The landmark of Corvallis was built in 1888. 

News/Feature: Rebecca Robinson, an LBCC student, smells the flowers at Peoria Road Farm Market on the outskirts of Corvallis, Oregon on Sunday, May 3rd. Peoria Road Farm recently opened for the season.

Environmental Portrait: (L to R) Samuel Robinson and Rebecca Robinson, who have been married for nearly a year. Sit in Pioneer Park in Corvallis, Oregon and enjoy a chocolate shake on Sunday, May 3rd.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 5


I really liked the photo story Rob showed us in class of the Soldier. It got my attention because of how much access the photographer was able to get. That also made it very interesting because we, as viewers, were able to see both sides to him. We got to see him at home, and him at war. It really gave us a view into his life. I'm not sure of the challenges the photographer faces but I am sure Access and time were two of their big challenges. The story definitely had a narrative and had the same feel throughout the story. For techniques I could learn from this and use is really dive into the subject. This photographer had to really become close with the solider in order to get the images he did.


I am unsure yet what my photo story will be. I could do a "Day in the life" of a student or staff on campus. Follow them around as they prepare for class, go to class, and come home and do homework.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Photojournalism Assignment #5: Jefferson High Prom

Overall: A group of Jefferson High School students take pictures before headed to their prom on Saturday, April 25th.
(L to R: Priss Poteet, Cody Petzold, Shawna Ellis, and David Sloan)

Medium: A group of Jefferson High School students take a Selfie before headed to their prom on Saturday, April 25th.
(Guys in back L to R: David Sloan, Cody Petzold, and Trevor Robinson.)
(Girls in front L to R: Shawna Ellis, Priss Poteet, and Kenzie Cross.)

Close-Up: A group of Jefferson High School girls help fellow student Trevor Robinson put on his boutonniere before headed to Prom on Saturday, April 25th.
(L to R: Priss Poteet, Shawna Ellis Kenzie Cross, and Trevor Robinson,)

Marketing Forum: Week 5


I chose Buzzfeed as the company I think is doing a good job marketing through Social Media. It working because BuzzFeed posts great articles and people want to share those articles with their friends, mostly sharing through social media. BuzzFeed does a great job using Gary Vee's suggestion of Call to Action. They make a call to action when people share that article. They make that Call to Action fun though. Example is in the above Screenshot we see a tweet from Teresa (@_IAmEponine), she has shared a Buzzfeed article/link with the caption "I got "Say My Name"! Can We Guess Your Karaoke Song?" This telling people to check out the article without making it sound so dull. I think it works really well for them.



The article talks about ways Marketers can take notes from "The Tonight Show Staring Jimmy Fallon". They list these:
  • Use Cultural Touchstones to reach a larger audiences.
  • Align your content with Trending Topics and News to win on Social.
  • Utilize your Industry's Celebrities and Influencers.
  • Making Sharing Easy
I think this article has a lot of good points about things the Tonight Show does really well that other brands SHOULD be doing. I think Jimmy Fallon and team are using a great Target Marketing Strategy. They know their Market Segmentation Demographics and Psychographics. They know that their viewers are OBSESSED with funny clips online. They know their "segment profiles" well. They use these things to their advantage and it helps them market the show.

I think how this can apply to class is that you can take notes from what other companies or brands are doing. You can take what they're doing and learn from them ways you can improve.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Photojournalism Assignment #4: Meet Nicky Gangewer [UPDATED 4/29]

Mug Shot: Nicky Gangewer, a member of the all female Acapella group, The Sirens, at Linn-Benton Community College.

Environment: Nicky Gangewer poses in front with her fellow Sirens members. Sirens is a Linn-Benton Community College all female acapella group which Gangewer is a member of.
(L to R: Marissa Johnston, Haley Collins, Christie Gangewer, Alyssa Hadlock, Rebecca Robinson, Jessie Easdale, Allyssa Newman, Maria Bellando, Hannah Chilton, and Nicky Gangewer in front.)

Bonus Photo: Sirens members pose for a photo.
(L to R: Marissa Johnston, Christie Gangewer, Alyssa Hadlock, Rebecca Robinson, Jessie Easdale, Allyssa Newman, Hannah Chilton, Maria Bellando, and Nicky Gangewer and Haley Collins in front.)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 4


Most compelling item in the Code of Ethics, for me, is "Editing should maintain the integrity of the photographic images' content and context. Do not manipulate images or add or alter sound in any way that can mislead viewers or misrepresent subjects." I agree with this statement a lot. I don't mind editing images but I dislike when editing goes to far. I don't like it when I can't tell if the image is real or not. I think if images are heavily edited they need to state that it is digitally manipulated.

Under "Ideally, photojournalists should...", the statement that stands out to me is, "Think proactively, as a student of psychology, sociology, politics and art to develop a unique vision and presentation. Work with a voracious appetite for current events and contemporary visual media." I agree with this statement as at the end of the day, you are a photographer for the news. Photojournalists are the same as journalists, they just take photos of the news instead of writing about it. I think it matters because you should always be looking for news you can cover, and news that you can cover better with your images.

An Example of Digital Manipulation is this image from a local photographer. Although I love all the images Amy takes. Some (most) are highly highly edited and "can mislead viewers or misrepresent subjects." As much as I like the image, I think it needs to be stated that the image is edited as it could be misleading to viewers.


Photo by Toby Prescott
I really like this photo that Toby took. I like it because it has a great angle, he managed to get the ball in the shoot, and was able to get a natural sun flair. Overall its a very professional looking image.

Photo by Marwah Alzabidi  
I also like this image that Marwah took. I like this because it has great focus and depth of field, a interesting shot, and I like the reflection in her glasses. Overall, this is a very interesting photo of a Volleyball game.

Marketing Forum: Week 3


1. Curad was a competitor to Band-Aid brand. Curad wanted a part of the adhesive bandages market. In order to do this, they did something Band-Aid didn't - marketed to kids. They printed characters on the bandages and thus made them widely popular with kids. The interesting thing about this was Curad wasn't afraid to think outside the box. They wanted to do something that set them a part from their competitor and they accomplished that. They were successfully able to grad a chunk of the market.

2. Ben & Jerry's did something interesting few companies did. When things became bland they didn't spend millions of dollars creating a new slogan or creating a new flavor. Instead, they just sat back and waited until they had something to offer. Instead of coming up with a "save 5% coupon this week", they didn't do anything. I think this is very interesting because it kinda follows the logic of, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" Ben & Jerry's didn't need a new flavor or slogan. Things were going good and they didn't need to mess with that. 

TOPIC 2: MARKETING IN THE NEWS -- -‘Unfriended’ Rides Chilling Viral Marketing Campaign To Stunning Opening Weekend

The article talks about the marketing campaign behind the new found footage horror flick, Unfriended. Unfriended takes place entirely through a Skype call. So naturally, the marketing company utilized the internet as a promotional tool, using YouTube and Facebook to plaster its advertisements and trailers. However, marketers took it a step further and actually created realistic Facebook accounts for each of the characters and a Facebook page for the dead girl, which the movie focus's on. The marketing company was able to take the story from the movie and apply it to the real world, adding to the "Found Footage" element of the film. Makes it seem more realistic.  

The main point of this that applies to marketing is don't be afraid to do something that's never been done before. Every aspect of your daily life can be used as a marketing tool. I learned that you can use Facebook in interesting ways and I can apply that to Marketing by using Facebook more.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 3


Subject Option #1:
Rebecca Robinson
"Claim to Fame": LBCC Siren's Member
Best Environment: During Siren's Rehearsals
Props: Microphone, Stage
Contact: She's a friend - By text.

Subject Option #2:
LBCC Instructor (Unknown)
"Claim to Fame": Instructor
Best Environment: While they're teaching
Props: Podium, White Board, Computer
Contact: Probably through their LBCC Email


Best Photo:

Why: I really like the depth of field on this photo. I like how they aren't posed. The image also isn't cluttered or busy, which is nice.

Worst Photo:

Why: Although this is a "funny" photo. It's kinda boring to look at. The background is bland and nothing interesting is happening.

I need to improve on my shaky-ness. Speed up the shutter speed so that I get more sharp, quality images. Take more images, so I have more to pick from. Also my nerves. I feel like a creeper most of the time. I need to stop worrying about that.

Photo Assignment #3: Behind The Scenes - Commons Caferteria

Overall: Culinary Arts Students prepare for lunch at the LBCC Commons Cafeteria on Wednesday, April 15th.

Medium: Culinary Arts Student, Rachel Moll, preps for lunch at the LBCC Commons Cafeteria on Wednesday, April 15th.

Close-Up: Culinary Arts Student, Rachel Moll, preps for lunch at the LBCC Commons Cafeteria on Wednesday, April 15th.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Photographer of the Week: Pete Souza

Pete Souza isn't a household name but his photos have probably been seen by millions. Meet the man who gets to photograph the President of the United States every day, Pete Souza.
Pete Souza

Souza got his start in Chicago working for the Chicago Tribune documenting the then young Senator, Mr. Barack Obama. By the time Obama got elected president, Souza had already produced a book - “The Rise of Barack Obama” – and secured Obama’s trust. After President Obama was elected, Souza was picked to be the Chief Official White House Photographer. Souza left his job at Ohio University's School of Visual Communication where he taught, and moved into the White House.

“I have multiple photographers on my team; they cover The First lady and the Vice-President.” They also assist me whenever the president has a big public event”. Souza even has a seat on air force one but he says, “I never have a chance to sit down in it because I am always taking photos!”

Souza has spent most of his life documenting presidents from Reagan to Obama. When asked about how he feels about photographing history he said, “I feel real fortunate to be in this position.” “Those are times when you really feel that you are documenting history. And for me, that's why I am still on this job - to be able to document his participation in history, it's a real unique position for me to be in.”

Souza admits he doesn't have a lot of time outside of work but he isn't complaining, “I love my job, even with as much time as it takes away from my personal life, I don’t mind.” "I use to tell people I am trying to create this visual archive of history, so 50 years from now people would look back, and look at these pictures, that I have created.”

Pete is a unique photographer in that he can take very serious photo that shows a tense situation, like the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Then the next, take a completely different style photo that shows Obama playing “Spiderman” with a kid. For all we know, those could have been shot on the same day (they weren't), but Pete is very versatile in his photography.

Inside the War Room during the raid and ultimate death of Osama Bin Laden.
This became one of the most viewed photos on Flickr. Photo Credit: Pete Souza

The other interesting thing about Pete that sets him apart from the other Official White House Photographers that came before him; he has the power to shape can how we see President Obama. No White House photographer before him had the power of social media and its vast distribution. Now the president, and Pete, can control his image like never before. An example; if we’re about to go to war, it wouldn't be smart to post that image of Obama playing “Spiderman”. Instead, they’re more likely to post an image of Obama sitting at his desk, thinking. Showing a lot of thought and dedication. Pete Souza has a unique power, he truly can control how the American people view their current president.

I like Pete’s photographs a lot. He has a unique perspective and subject that no one else has. In a lot of ways, I look up to him and his photography. He has the coolest job and is able to create timeless images that generations will look at for years to come.

It's hard to narrow down my favorite image that Pete has took, because he's took SO many. However, if I had to pick one it would be the photo above of the war room. I like this photo because you can see the emotion in everyones face. It really sets the tone for the room and the situation. It's also really cool that he was the only photographer allowed inside the room.


Friday, April 10, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 2


The two suggestions from the book that sound the most doable to me are; Give out your business card and Shoot from a unique vantage. Give out your business card is definitely something that is doable and so simply. People will then have your business card and will think of you if they need photography. The suggestion to shoot from a unique vantage is a great suggestion I try to do all the time. Shooting from unusual vantages and areas, give viewers something interesting to look at.

I plan to use the suggestion of shoot from a unique vantage in the coming weeks. Try to pre-plan odd areas I can go to take my photos. Shoot from high angles or get low and shoot looking up. Any angle or vantage point that will give a unique perspective to my images.


Photo Credit: Ryan Gardner

This photo by Ryan stand out to me most because of his great use of light and depth of field. The sun light is able to cast this ray of light behind the player as he catches the ball and the fans are blurred because of the focus. Those elements combined makes this one of my favorite photos of his.

Three questions:
1. Tell us how you were able to get the above image? What did you have to do?
2. Any tips for taking Sports/Concert Photography?
3. What is your favorite photo you've taken?

Photo Assignment #2: Red Cross Blood Drive

Overall: Rocky Roadrunner, the LBCC Mascot, checks in with a volunteer at the Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, April 8th. 

Medium: LBCC Student Alyssa Swartzendruber gives blood at the LBCC Red Cross Blood Drive Wednesday, April 8th.

Close-Up: LBCC Student Alyssa Swartzendruber gives blood at the LBCC Red Cross Blood Drive Wednesday, April 8th.

Marketing Forum: Week 2


I think the Ethical Values section of the Statement of Ethics is the most helpful section for upcoming marketers. I think it lays out each ethical thing we as marketers must do, and it says how to do them. It's a really great reference tool for when you need to understand how to represent a brand. One of the Ethical Values that stands out to me is, Honesty. You always want to be honest with your brand and its customers. It also mentions to, "Stand behind out products if they fail to deliver their claimed benefits." That's something that I think some companies don't do well, when their product fails to deliver they cower. Don't. Stand behind your product and own up to it. Move forward.


Joel Burger and Ashley King's punny engagement photo went viral.
Mr. Burger and Miss. King (Photo Credit: CNN)

I heard someone mention this in class and I had to go look up more information about it.

Mr. Burger and Ms. King are set to wed this July and Burger King is offering to pay for the whole thing. Apparently it all started when they were taking engagement photos and posed next to a Burger King sign. The local paper then interviewed them and eventually Burger King caught wind of the news and offered to make it a whopper of a wedding. Burger King's message for the happy couple: "Congratulations, Joel and Ashley on falling in love your way."

The main point and how this applies to Marketing is that it creates great publicity for the fast food chain and they get their name out there. The takeaway lesson from this is that sometimes even wild and crazy ideas can provide great results. Everyone was talking about this ironic wedding and it created a buzz online for Burger King.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Marketing Forum: Week 1

Topic 1: About You

I have a interest in Marketing. I have had experience with Social Media Marketing and I want to learn more about it. I am currently at LBCC getting my pre-reqs done while majoring in Journalism. However, I will be attending OSU this fall to major in Digital Communications there. I am interested in learning more about Social Media Marketing and how that works. Outside of college, I am passionate about Photography. I have my own amateur photography business which I do mainly in the summer. I also enjoy listening to country music and attending country music concerts and festivals. This month I will be attending a Garth Brooks concert in Portland.

Topic 2: In the News

The making and taking of the @portland Instagram handle -- Oregon Live

The article talked about this guy named, Marcus Harvey who recently graduated from college and began using Instagram to sell his clothing brand. Harvey, who is only 24, was able to secure a very unique username on Instagram (@Portland). On that account he began racking up followers by regraming/reposting photos that other people have took of  the Portland area. He encouraged people to submit their photos using the hashtag #PortlandNW. He was able to quickly rack up followers. By the time Marcus announced his clothing line (which had been a part of his plan all along) he had nearly 60,000 followers. He launched his clothing brand of Portland style shirts on Black Friday. In that first day he did $5,000 in sales and he only had 2 shirts for sale. Currently (as of April 4th) he has 91,600 followers and growing every day, and I am one of them.

The main point of this article is that you should use the power of social media to your advantage. Marcus spent NO money on advertising, he just posted two photos that first day announcing his shirts and was able to make $5,000. He was able to launch his clothing brand very successfully with no money, just by using Instagram.

I learned that Social Media is a great platform to promote and sell your products and rack up a loyal following of customers.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Photojournalism Forum: Week 1


My three goals for my photojournalism are; take interesting photos, make the cover of the Commuter, and learn better photography skills.

Photo by Pete Souza

Pete Souza

Three Facts:
1. Was the official white house photographer for Ronald Regan's second term.
2. Photographed Ronald Regan's Funeral.
3. Was the only photographer to be allowed in the situation room during the Osama Bin Laden raid.

Claim to Fame: He is the official white house photographer, and photographed Barack Obama's journey from Senate to President.


Idea #1: Oceanography Lab (Friday's at 12-2, Madron Hall 114)
Idea #2: Behind the scenes Commons Cafeteria (Anyday around 10am, Commons Cafeteria)

Photo Assignment #1: Around LBCC Campus

Overall: Students walk to class in the LBCC courtyard on Wednesday, April 1st.
Medium: Hope Griffith (Left) and Liz Comfort (Right) sit in the LBCC courtyard and talk on Wednesday, April 1st.
Close-Up: Student Kyla Wilson studies with Melissa Clark for their chemistry class on Wednesday, April 1st.

Photos by: Justin Williams